Let's talk about the causes of the tides, when every day and every night the water of the world's ocean comes out on the dry land. On the school bench, at physics lessons, students are forced to believe that fluctuations of the water level are explained by attraction of the moon and the sun taken one with another with the centrifugal forces of a rotating planet. Not only pupils and students believe in this hypothesis. The vast majority of scientists trust it.
In the officially adopted explaining of the tidal hypothesis a number of issues cause bewilderment. In particular, occurrence of the tide on the night side of the Earth does not explain by attraction of the moon and the sun, in spite of all the tricks of the quirky human thought. According to the logic on the night side there should not be the tide. But it exists. In addition, the attraction must reject the mass of water in the direction of the attracting celestial body (the Moon or the Sun), and not to force it to comes out on the dry land. As you can see, already two factors do not find their confirmation in the face of accepted theory, put forward by Sir Isaac Newton, and joyfully “eaten” by public opinion.
Sure, attraction from the side of celestial bodies affects the substance of the planet - rejects it. However, not this factor leads to such substantial redistribution of water in the oceans, outward expression of which is a tide of water to the dry land.
The Moon and the Sun of course attract the water of the world ocean. But it should be remembered that the influence of the Sun is complex - its poles attract (characterized by the Field of Attraction), and equatorial regions repel (where the sun manifests outwardly the Field of Repulsion). The Field of Repulsion of the Sun is not so great as to reach our planet. However, the flux of photons of the Sun and of other types of particles falling to Earth transmits to the substance of the planet energy (aka ether). “The transmission of energy” - this is the impact of the Field of Repulsion. We can say that the Sun affects by the Field of Repulsion indirectly through the flux of emitted particles.
And now there is the most important thing in our explanation of the causes of the tides.
The Field of Repulsion (energy) transmitted to the substance of the planet by the flux of particles and heated by it, this is the reason of onset of water on the land, i.e. of the tidal effect. Solar energy heats the material of the atmosphere, is accumulated by chemical elements. The substance expands when heated. Expanding gases of the atmosphere, combined with accumulated solar particles emitting ether (with Field of Repulsion) create the total Force of Pressure, which has an impact on water of the planet's ocean - presses on it. Solar particles emitting ether increase the atmospheric pressure because the pressure of the atmosphere - it is nothing like the pressure of ether emitted by solar photons accumulated by chemical elements of the atmosphere. Ether emitted by solar particles - is the total Field of Repulsion formed in the atmosphere of the planet. This Field of Repulsion affects the hydrosphere. I.e. we can say that the pressure of ether on the water smoothes it, presses down. The water displaced water by pressure steps on the dry land - so there is a high tide. The maximum tide should be observed when the atmospheric pressure during the day is the most.
This proposed concept also well explains the fact of occurrence of the tides on the opposite side of the planet. Water, having the property of fluidity, being displaced by the pressure of ether, seeks into areas of the planet where anything will not press on it – i.e. on the opposite side.
The first low tide is in the morning, when the sun moves to the zenith. A number of solar photons falling on the Earth is more and more, and the atmosphere emits more ether, which presses and displaces water. And there occurs the tide of water to the land. At the same time there is a redistribution of water in the oceans - the water rushes in those areas of the world where the pressure on it will be less – i.e. on the night side of the planet. And there is just the time of the night tide. And this tide is caused by the pressure of ether at this moment on the opposite, the day side. I.e. the night tide is caused by the redistribution of water, by extrusion, displacement of its part from the day side to the night.
Pay attention to the following fact. The “moon” hypothesis of Newton offers as a basis for explaining the rise of water (the water shell of the planet) over the usual sea level. I.e. rise of water as a result of its aspiration to the attracting celestial body.
Our hypothesis is based on the exactly opposite mechanism - on the action not of attraction (gravity) and on repulsion (antigravity). Hydrosphere is flattened by the action of pressing on it ether. The displaced water is looking for a place, moves closer to the night side, meets the land on the way – comes out on it. And this is a tide.
A phase of the Moon, of course, plays a role in the height of the tide. As you know, the greatest tide is at full moon and new moon. Moreover at the full moon it is greater than in new moon. This fact is quite easy to explain. At full moon and new moon the Moon is located on the same straight line that passes through the centers of the Earth and the Sun. At full moon it is behind the Earth. At new moon it’s in front of it. As a result, in both cases the attraction of the moon enhances the attraction of the Earth. The attraction of what? On what does this factor affect? This is important for attraction of photons and other types of elementary particles. The Earth, as well as any other planet or moon, affects by its attraction on particles emitted by the Sun - it supports their inertial motion. There occurs a summing of Forces - Inertia and Attraction. As a result, the total velocity of particles (solar energy) becomes larger. The less number of them is absorbed by the substance filling the space environment of the solar system. This means that more of them reaches the planet and heats the material, in particular the atmosphere. In general, you should never forget that our planet owes its heating to the Sun. And this heat does not stop for a moment from the time when the planet was formed from a substance ejected from the solar interior. So that the flow of solar particles on the planet - it's a very important factor.
The more solar particles get into the atmosphere and are accumulated in it, the more the total Field of Repulsion that occurs in the heated atmosphere and displaces the water. In other words, the atmospheric pressure increases.
The complex “Earth-Moon” when the moon is located on the same straight line with the Earth and the Sun attracts with more Force of Attraction than when the moon is at an angle to this line. At full moon and new moon the Force of Attraction with which the Earth acts on solar particles increases. This is thanks to summation with it of the gravitational field of the Moon. The rate of flow of photons increases. The most number of them reaches the planet. And the atmosphere is heated more. Generally we should not equate the heating of the troposphere and the total heating of the atmosphere as a whole. In the lower atmosphere it can rain. However, the total heating of the atmosphere, even in the rain at the full moon and new moon will still be higher than on other days of the month. And therefore the tide will be more.
It turns out that at new moon and full moon the atmospheric pressure is higher than on other days. Moreover it’s higher at full moon than at new moon. And all because at new moon the Moon is located in front of the Earth and absorbs the most part of the solar radiation, picking its way to the Earth. However, a large percentage of particles overcomes the attraction of the moon and passes by it successfully, because the Earth's gravity is more than lunar. I.e. even though there is absorption of a significant number of particles, the Moon manages to do its “good work” and attract the solar particles, to support their movement to the Earth.
That's the whole secret of a great tide at full moon and new moon.
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