пятница, 3 октября 2014 г.



Due to astronomical observations, we know that every planet in the solar system rotates around its own axis. And we know that all planets have one or another angle of inclination of the rotation axis to the ecliptic plane. It is also known that during the year each of two hemispheres of any planet changes its distance from the Sun. But by year-end a position of the planets relative to the sun is the same as a year ago (or rather to say, almost the same). There are also such facts that astronomers do not known, but nevertheless, that exist. For example, there is a constant, but smooth changing in the angle of inclination of the axis of each planet. The angle increases. And, in addition, there is a constant and gradual increase in the distance between the planets and the Sun. Is there a connection between all these phenomena?
Answer - yes, of course. All these phenomena are due to existence in the planets as Fields of Attraction and Fields of Repulsion, due to the characteristics of their location in the composition of the planets, as well as changes in their value.
We are so accustomed to the knowledge that our Earth rotates on its axis, as well as to the fact that the northern and southern hemisphere of the planet for a year then move away, then approach the Sun. And with the rest of the planets everything is the same. But why planets behave this way? What motivates them?
Let's start with the fact that any of the planets can be compared with an apple impaled on a skewer and roasted over a fire. The role of “fire” in this case performs the sun, and a “skewer” is an axis of rotation of a planet. Of course, people often roast meat, but here we look at the experience of vegetarians, because fruits often have a rounded shape, which makes them similar to the planets. If we fry an apple over a fire, we do not move it around the source of fire. Instead, we rotate the apple, as well as change the position of the skewer relative to the fire. The same thing is happening with the planets. They rotate and change the position of the “skewer” throughout the year relative to the sun, warming, so their “sides”.
The reason that the planets revolve around their axes, as well as throughout the year the poles periodically change the distance from the Sun, is about the same according to which we rotate the apple over the fire. The analogy with a skewer was not chosen randomly. We always keep the least deep fried (the least-heated) area of an apple over the fire. Planets also always tend to turn to the sun by their least heated side, the total gravity field of which is the greatest compared to other areas. However, the expression "tend to turn" does not mean that the way it really happens. The trouble is that any of planets at the same time has just two sides, the gravity of which to the Sun is greatest. This is the poles of the planet. This means that from the moment of birth of the planet, both poles simultaneously sought to take a position to be closest to the Sun.
Yes, when we talk about the attraction of the planet to the Sun, it should be noted that different areas of the planet are attracted to it in different ways, i.e. in varying degrees. At least - the equator. To the greatest extent – the poles. Note - the number of poles is two.
I.e. if two areas tend to be on the same distance from the center of the Sun. The poles throughout the existence of the planet continue to balance, constantly competing with each other for the right to occupy a position closer to the Sun. But even if one pole temporarily wins and gets closer to the Sun than other, this other, continues to “graze” it, seeking to turn the planet so as to be closer to the luminary. This struggle between two poles directly affects the behavior of the whole planet. It’s difficult for the poles to approach to the Sun. However, there is a factor facilitating their task. This factor is the existence of the angle of inclination of the rotation axis to the ecliptic plane.
However, in the beginning of life planets had no inclination of the axis. The cause of emergence of inclination is the attraction of one of the poles of the planet by one of the poles of the Sun.
Let’s consider how inclination of the axes of rotation of a planet appears.
When the substance from which the planets formed is ejected from the Sun, an ejection does not necessarily occur in the equatorial plane of the Sun. Even a small deviation from the equatorial plane of the sun results in that the formed planet is located to one of the poles of the sun closer than to another. And to be more precise, it is only one of the poles of the formed planet is closer to one of the poles of the Sun. For this reason, namely this pole of the planet experiences greater attraction from the pole of the Sun, to whom it was closer.
As a result, one of the hemispheres immediately turned toward the Sun. So an initial inclination of axis of rotation appeared at the planet. That hemisphere, which was closer to the Sun, respectively, immediately began to receive more solar radiation. And because of this the hemisphere from the outset was heated to a greater extent. Greater heating of one hemisphere of the planet becomes the reason that the total gravity field of this hemisphere decreases. I.e. during the heating of the hemisphere approached the Sun began to decrease its tendency to move closer to the pole of the Sun, attraction of which made ​​the planet to be closer. And the more this hemisphere warms, the more leveled the gravitation of both poles of the planet, of each to “its closest” pole of the Sun. As a result, the heated hemisphere turns away from the sun more and more, and the more chilled begins to approach. But note, as this change of poles happened (happens). Very peculiar.
After the planet was formed from material ejected by the Sun, and now revolves around, it immediately begins to be heated by solar radiation. This heating makes it rotate around its own axis. Initially an axial tilt was not. Because of this, the equatorial plane is warming to the greatest extent. Because of this, namely in the equatorial region not disappeared Field of Repulsion appears in the first turn and its magnitude is greatest from the outset. In areas adjacent to the equator with time not relieved Field of Repulsion also appears. A value of the squares of the areas, on which there is a Field of Repulsion, is demonstrated by an angle of inclination of axis.
But the sun also has a constantly existing Field of Repulsion. And, like the planets, in the area of the Sun's equator the value of its Field of Repulsion is greatest. And since all planets at the moment of ejection and formation were located in the Sun's equator, they revolved thus in the zone where the Field of Repulsion of the Sun is greatest. Precisely because of this, because of collision of the biggest in magnitude Fields of Repulsion of the planet and the Sun, the changing of the position of the hemispheres of the planet can’t occur by vertical. I.e. the lower hemisphere can’t just “go” back and up and the upper - down and forward.
  The planet in the process of changing hemispheres implements a “workaround”. It rotates so that its own equatorial Field of Repulsion at least extent collides with the equatorial Field of Repulsion of the Sun. I.e. the plane in which the Field of Repulsion of the planet is located at an angle to the plane in which there is the equatorial Field of Repulsion of the Sun. This allows to the planet to save available distance to the Sun. Otherwise, if there was the coincidence of the planes in which the Fields of Repulsion of the planet and of the Sun manifest, the planet would have been severely set from the Sun.
That's the way the planets change the position of their hemispheres relative to the sun - sideways, sideways ...
The time from the summer solstice to the winter for any of the hemispheres is a period of gradual heating of this hemisphere. Accordingly, the time from the winter solstice to summer is a period of gradual cooling. The moment of summer solstice corresponds to the lowest total temperature of the chemical elements in this hemisphere. The moment of winter solstice corresponds to the highest total temperature of the composition of chemical elements in the composition of this hemisphere. I.e. in the moments of the summer and winter solstices that hemisphere is drawn to the Sun that chilled at this moment most of all. Amazing, is not it? After all, as our everyday experience says us that everything should be the opposite - in summer it’s hot and in winter it’s cold. But in this case we are talking not about the temperature of the surface layers of the planet, and about the temperature of the entire thickness of the substance.
But the moments of vernal and autumnal equinoxes even as correspond to the time when the total temperature of both hemispheres is equal. That is why at this time both hemispheres are at the same distance from the Sun.
And finally we say a few words about the role of heating of planets by solar radiation. Let's do a little thought experiment during which we look at what would have happened if the stars do not emit elementary particles and not heated thereby surrounding them planets. If the Sun did not heat the planets, they would always be turned to the Sun by one side, like the Moon, the Earth satellite always facing the Earth by the same side. Absence of heating firstly would deprive the planets of necessary to rotate around its own axis. Secondly, if there was no heating, there would not be a consistent rotation of the planets to the Sun then one then other hemisphere during the year. Thirdly, if there was no heating of the planets by the Sun, the axis of rotation of the planets would not be bent to the ecliptic plane. Although at the same time all planet would have continued to revolve around the sun (a star). And fourth, the planet would not have increased gradually the distance to the sun.

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