суббота, 4 октября 2014 г.



Around 1960, an American geologist Harry Hess Hemond suggested that molten rocks of the mantle rose from some cracks, in particular extending along the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Near the top of these rocks spread to the sides, then cooled off and solidified. The bottom of the ocean thus was expanding and stretching. According to this theory the continents do not drift, and they are just displaced by the rocks of expanding oceans” (Isaac Asimov “Guide to Science”).
Substance of the planet is expanding. First, it’s because of reduction of mass of the nuclei of elements in the process of radioactive decay. Secondly, due to reduction of mass of elements due to accumulation by the Earth of solar free particles. The surface of the planet - crust – is formed by elements with light nuclei and they came out on the planet's surface during volcanic activity. And these elements with light nuclei in the bowels of the planet during the radioactive decay (decay reason - quality transformation of particles due to the action of forces of attraction). Elements of crust because of the small Force of Attraction of nuclei in the radioactive decay are not involved. Volume of the planet increases due to the growing of the planet’s Force of Repulsion and to reduce of the Force of Attraction of elements. The temperature of the elements in the planet's interior is higher than temperature of the elements on the surface. A crust - is dense chemical compounds having a low temperature. Continents - are the primary earth's crust. As a result of increasing the volume of the material interior of the planet, the crust cracks and diverges as the crust on rising yeast dough. This is confirmed by continental drift – in reality they diverge, and not drift. All new layers of substance are postponed under the primary cortex during volcanic activity.
At the bottom of continents the old layers of the cortex are the thinnest, so in these places there are constant zones of volcanic activity.
The cracking crust we know as earthquakes, volcanic activity, and fractures in the crust. And a discrepancy between the individual huge zones of the crust is known as “continental drift”. Chemical elements with lighter nuclei arising in the bowels during radioactive decay come out on the surface of celestial bodies during cracking of the crust. Or more precisely, they break the bonds between the elements of the cortex.
The continents do not drift in reality. They drift apart from each other as a result of expansion of the earth globe (such as how the balloon expands during its inflating). The bottom of the oceans is constantly “being created” due to constant output of magma from the depths of the earth. The earth's crust in this diverges like dried crust on rising yeast dough.

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