The rotation of planets, which seems so natural, was not peculiar to the planets immediately after they arose. Special conditions were required for it started.
Planets are formed from material ejected from stars. The temperature of stars is low compared to the temperature of Nuclei of Galaxies and Supergalaxies, especially compared to the Central Sun of the universe, and this is because of the smaller number of chemical elements in their composition (which reduces the degree of transformation caused by gravity). Therefore, a significant amount of material sufficient for the formation of planets is ejected by stars only in the plane of the equator. Namely in the plane of the equator of a star there is an accumulation of the most number of particles with Fields of Repulsion emitted by the Nucleus of Galaxy, gave birth to this star. At the moment of birth - ejection from the sun - the planet can be with whatever side of the Sun in relation to the Nucleus of Galaxy. A planet necessarily begins to rotate some time after its birth. But for the beginning of rotation it is necessary that the planet does not shield by the sun from the action of gravity of Galaxy nucleus or is not on the line connecting the Sun with the Galactic Nucleus. In any other position the planet necessarily starts to rotate. However, planets after their occurrence begin to revolve around the sun – i.e. move around in a circle. Therefore, even if at the moment of time the planet was located on a straight line drawn through the centers of the Sun and the Nucleus of galaxy (behind or in front of the Sun), due to the orbital motion the planet after a while will go to the position “laterally”.
All stars emit elementary particles. Therefore after formation the planets begin to be bombarded and heated by the sun. But only that hemisphere is heated that faces the sun. At the same time, the other hemisphere, the opposite of what turned to the sun is not heated and therefore turns colder. And accordingly, the total Field of Attraction of the night hemisphere, not facing the sun, is larger compared to the heated hemisphere.
So, at the planets at the moment of their location "laterally" of the Sun that created them their not heated hemisphere, located on the night side, is attracted by the Nucleus of Galaxy. The Force of Attraction, caused by the Nucleus of Galaxy, due to the large distance to it is less than Forces of Attraction caused by the Sun. But, anyway, this Force of Attraction exists and exerts its influence on all celestial bodies in the solar system. Simultaneously with this the heated hemisphere of the planet begins to move away from the Sun. And here it is the gravitation from the side of the Galactic Nucleus decides “the fate of the planet”. Or rather, this attraction is a reason for starting rotation of the planet. I.e. as a result, the planet revolves around its own axis, as the hemisphere opposite heated, colder, tends to move in the direction of the Galaxy Nucleus, and the heated hemisphere moves away from the Sun.
The phrase “laterally” we hope you guessed it, means that the planet is not shielded by the sun, gave birth to it, from the Nucleus of Galaxy, and is not on the line connecting the centers of the Nucleus of Galaxy and the Sun.
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