суббота, 4 октября 2014 г.



We offer you the following hypothesis concerning the nature of Cepheids - variable stars. These stars periodically change their brightness.
The star becomes or larger in diameter and colder (dims), or smaller and hotter.
Cepheid (star with variable brightness) - this is a double star. In this system in the center there is located a star that since its formation has in its composition more of chemical elements. Because of this, its mass is greater and the brightness (luminance) is too. A star-satellite rotates around it. It’s sparser, colder. It turns around like the Moon around the Earth. This star originally contained a less number of chemical elements. Due to the lower transmutation the luminosity is less too. The substance of such star is better heated by radiation of the Nucleus of Galaxy – it accumulates more photons. This is because the total number of chemical elements is less. And so it’s sparser – and due to this diameter of the star is bigger.
Degree of transmutation (transformation) of chemical elements in the star is the more, the more the total number of elements in its composition, and the more the total Field of Attraction of the star. Transmutation (transformation) - is another name for the temperature rise. Scientists still can’t explain what the meaning of the phenomenon of temperature is. Proposed by us Law of Transformation logically explains this physical phenomenon.
But we a little digress from the topic of the article. Although this was done deliberately - to recall the meaning of transmutation.
Particles in the chemical elements transmute - change their quality - thanks to receipt of excessive amount of ether.
The more chemical elements are in the composition of celestial body, the higher the degree of transformation of the particles in the composition of its elements. The more elements are in the star, the greater its overall temperature is.
Hence the smaller star brightness with fewer chemicals.
On the contrary - the larger star emits brighter. 
That's why periodic eclipse of the less large (and therefore less bright) star by the larger (and more colorful) perceived by the observer from the side as change of brightness.
After all, the observer is far away. And he does not know precisely – is this a single star or a system of two objects. From here and all misunderstandings and divination of astronomers - what does appear before their eyes?
Our proposed explanation of the nature of Cepheids can prove the following fact.
As we know from the history of astronomy, Miss Henrietta Leviticus discovered the connection between the brightness of variable stars and the duration of the period of changes in brightness for stars of Magellanic Cloud. According to her observations, the greater brightness, the longer periods of normal brightness and reduced.
Magellanic Cloud - is another galaxy. Star cluster generated by another Nucleus of Galaxy, and revolving around it, also as our stars are turning around our Nucleus (and formed from its substance).
The brighter the star is, the greater the period of brightness change.
This fact can be explained as follows.
Stars in the composition of Galaxies - are the same as planets in the solar system.
The stars with the largest number of chemical elements are located at the periphery of any Galaxy. Also as giant planets – i.e. the most large – are located on the periphery of the solar system.
These stars are hotter because they are large. If you remember, the more particles in the conglomerate, the more the warming - transmutation. Accumulating radiation (photons) from the Nucleus of Galaxy stars rotate faster. Since the speed of rotation depends on the heating temperature of the atmosphere (if it exists) and of underlying hydrosphere and lithosphere. If the atmosphere does not exist or if it is extremely rarefied – it depends on the heating temperature of the surface layers - as it is the case of Mercury.
The heating temperature of the surface layer depends on two factors - the total temperature of the star (or of the planet) and on the amount of falling radiation. The farther the star is from the Nucleus of Galaxy, the less radiation it receives. Although the number of accumulated photons in it is more and more – namely because it is moving away. But, nevertheless, it is falling energy causes a star (as a planet) to rotate. And at a certain distance from the Nucleus of Galaxy rotation of the star begins to slow down again. As it’s in the case of planets. I.e. at first the rotational speed of planets (and stars) gradually increases and then begins to fall. We can see this by the example of the planets in our solar system.
Those stars of Magellanic Cloud that are most of all closer to us look brighter. And they rotate more slowly compared with the stars a little closer to the Nucleus. Again it’s the analogy with planets.
Rotating Field of Attraction (ethereal stream) of star, Nucleus or any other celestial body is the cause of rotation of planets around it (stars - in the case of Galaxy). Ethereal stream moves in the direction of the biggest lack of ether – i.e. toward the nearest star. And planets consisting of particles and being immersed in the ethereal field move along with the stream – are attracted. Since the star rotates on its axis – ethereal stream (Field of Attraction) takes the form of a spiral. And planets, respectively, are moving along the same trajectory. More precisely, they are moving in a circle. But they would move in a spiral, and would have fallen onto the star ... if not heating of them by energy emitted by the star. Namely this heating does not let them fall. Do you remember the torment of physicists associated with the “need” of falling of electron onto the nucleus of the atom? In the case of planets the situation is similar. The planets must fall on the Sun. Because the Law of Gravity is relentless. And they do not fall just because the star emits energy (particles). If it did not radiate - it would fall. But the young star and star of "middle-aged" can’t but radiate. As for the luminary “aged”, then sooner or later it will ebb. But that's another topic that is covered in other articles.
So the planets are held around the star and turn it around due to the gravity. But they do not fall onto the sun thanks to antigravity.
The same can be said of stars in the Galaxy. They do not fall onto the Nucleus for the same reasons - antigravity. This is the Field of Repulsion arising in the surface layers of the star. Emitted ether.
Any celestial body does not fall on its body-grandparent because repelled by ethereal Field of antigravity.
However, we are greatly distracted from the central theme of the article - from explaining the nature of the Cepheids.
Star turns around the nucleus of the galaxy due to the rotation of this Nucleus.
With regard to the mechanism of rotation of the star-satellite, then it is different. It is completely analogous to the rotation of the Moon around the Earth. The star satellite turns around not because of aspirations in the Field of Attraction. The orbit of the satellite can even be located not in the equatorial region of the central star. Like our Moon and its orbit.
The star-satellite is heated by radiation of the Nucleus of Galaxy. Like the moon is heated by solar radiation.
The heating leads to emergence of Field of Repulsion on the heated side of the star-satellite. If the star was single, it just would revolve around its axis. But this star system is double. And there is an attraction from the side of the larger star. I.e. on the one hand the heated side of the star-satellite “wants” to move away from the Galactic Nucleus. And on the other hand the star is held by the attraction of the central star. It is this attraction does not allow the star-satellite just to turn around itself. And it still has one option - to start to move away entirely. I.e. not heated region turns away from the Nucleus and the whole star is moving away. In the case of the Moon the same thing happens.
That’s how it happens – the movement of the star-satellite.  It just “replaced” the rotation on the periodic distancing and then approaching to the Nucleus of Galaxy. And the “fault” of this is attraction from the central star.
When we look at the night sky, watching the stars within our galaxy, we can’t on the basis of only one brightness judge about their distance to the center of the Galaxy. And this is because our sun (and we with it) is also located within the boundaries of the Galaxy. Now, if we look at another galactic system, such as Magellanic Cloud (or any other), then we can say with confidence that any star in its composition exactly is not part of the structure of our Galaxy.
Only parallax can with sufficient accuracy tell us the location of the star relative to the observer.
Generally the closer the star is, the brighter its light is. However, also the larger it is, the brighter it is. So two stars may be located at different distances from us (and from the center). But their brightness will be the same if one that farther from us – is larger, and the one that is closer - smaller.
The structure of any Galaxy is similar to the structure of any solar system. In the center is a large celestial body-grandparent. Celestial bodies of smaller size generated by it turn around it, moved by gyre of the ethereal stream of attraction. In the case of a Galaxy - the stars revolve around the Nucleus. In the case of a solar system - planets turn around the star, the sun. Pieces of ice of frozen gases of the atmosphere of the giant planets, forming rings in total - are also the prototypes of the planets or stars, moving in a circle.
So everything is built by a single scheme. As below, so above. This is not surprising. The principle structure is repeated. Only scale changes. 
Biggest stars born first.
As also from the bowels of any star the largest planets are ejected first.
In the future, these stars (planets) took place on the periphery of the galaxy (the solar system) and are named giants - stars or planets. Luminosity of giant stars is the greatest (about sparse red giants we are not talking). It’s namely thanks to their scale – i.e. thanks to the total number of their constituent chemical elements. The reasons for this dependence we discussed earlier in this article.
So we can confidently say - the largest (in general) and brightest (on the whole) stars are located on the periphery of any galaxy. Not all, of course, but the overall percentage of them - yes.
So when Miss Henrietta Leviticus eyed Magellanic Cloud, she could be argued (if she would know our hypothesis) that in general in any galaxy, which is viewed from the side (as you know, we are not talking about our galaxy, which we can’t see from outside), the brightest stars are also the nearest to us. And it’s all because the biggest stars are on the periphery. The biggest - not thanks to the sparseness and volume. More precisely - not thanks only to this reason. They are the biggest - because from birth they contain many chemical elements.
And less bright stars of an alien galaxy in general have less size (less chemical elements in the composition) and are located further.
Let’s summarize.
Cepheid - is a star system consisting of two stars. The star with larger diameter and less bright rotates around the central star, less large and brighter. This star-satellite periodically eclipses the central star. Because of this, from the side the eclipse period is perceived by the observer as dimming. We prove this point of view throughout this article.
The more the main magnitude of brightness of the star, the longer the period of the reduced brightness, and the following period of normal brightness.
The main value of the star's brightness is brightness is the central star. The period of the reduced brightness is a brightness of a star-satellite.
The closer to the periphery of the Galaxy, the brighter stars are located there.
And the slower the rotational speed of all stars is.
And the slower the turning of satellites around the central stars is.
The reasons for this deceleration we have considered in detail in the beginning of this article. 
And since the farther from the Nucleus, the less the intensity of radiation reaching the stars, so the heating of the surface layers (responsible for the emergence and increase of Field of Repulsion) is carried out longer than for stars closer to the Nucleus. And because the speed is less with which the star-satellite is moving away from the Nucleus, at the same time turning around the central star.
Have you understood the main idea?
The farther to the periphery of Galaxy, the slower the movement of the star-satellite.
After all, it is an explanation for the fact of relationship between brightness of Cepheids and duration of periods of changes in brightness.
The star-satellite moves slowly because it is slowly heated by radiation of the Galaxy Nucleus.

Thank you for your attention!

danina.t@yandex.ru  - e-mail
The books of the series “The Teaching of Djwhal Khul – Esoteric Natural Science” - “The main occult laws and concepts” - http://www.amazon.com/Main-Occult-Laws-Concepts -ebook/dp/B00GUJJR72
New Esoteric Astrology, 1” - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JF6RMCY (paperback - https://www.createspace.com/4827294)
And here is the book of my grandpa, Michael Novikov, a military paramedic. You can read his memories about the Finnish war http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JYDITQ6




Let's talk about the causes of the tides, when every day and every night the water of the world's ocean comes out on the dry land. On the school bench, at physics lessons, students are forced to believe that fluctuations of the water level are explained by attraction of the moon and the sun taken one with another with the centrifugal forces of a rotating planet. Not only pupils and students believe in this hypothesis. The vast majority of scientists trust it.
In the officially adopted explaining of the tidal hypothesis a number of issues cause bewilderment. In particular, occurrence of the tide on the night side of the Earth does not explain by attraction of the moon and the sun, in spite of all the tricks of the quirky human thought. According to the logic on the night side there should not be the tide. But it exists. In addition, the attraction must reject the mass of water in the direction of the attracting celestial body (the Moon or the Sun), and not to force it to comes out on the dry land. As you can see, already two factors do not find their confirmation in the face of accepted theory, put forward by Sir Isaac Newton, and joyfully “eaten” by public opinion.
Sure, attraction from the side of celestial bodies affects the substance of the planet - rejects it. However, not this factor leads to such substantial redistribution of water in the oceans, outward expression of which is a tide of water to the dry land.
The Moon and the Sun of course attract the water of the world ocean. But it should be remembered that the influence of the Sun is complex - its poles attract (characterized by the Field of Attraction), and equatorial regions repel (where the sun manifests outwardly the Field of Repulsion). The Field of Repulsion of the Sun is not so great as to reach our planet. However, the flux of photons of the Sun and of other types of particles falling to Earth transmits to the substance of the planet energy (aka ether). “The transmission of energy” - this is the impact of the Field of Repulsion. We can say that the Sun affects by the Field of Repulsion indirectly through the flux of emitted particles.
And now there is the most important thing in our explanation of the causes of the tides.
The Field of Repulsion (energy) transmitted to the substance of the planet by the flux of particles and heated by it, this is the reason of onset of water on the land, i.e. of the tidal effect. Solar energy heats the material of the atmosphere, is accumulated by chemical elements. The substance expands when heated. Expanding gases of the atmosphere, combined with accumulated solar particles emitting ether (with Field of Repulsion) create the total Force of Pressure, which has an impact on water of the planet's ocean - presses on it. Solar particles emitting ether increase the atmospheric pressure because the pressure of the atmosphere - it is nothing like the pressure of ether emitted by solar photons accumulated by chemical elements of the atmosphere. Ether emitted by solar particles - is the total Field of Repulsion formed in the atmosphere of the planet. This Field of Repulsion affects the hydrosphere. I.e. we can say that the pressure of ether on the water smoothes it, presses down. The water displaced water by pressure steps on the dry land - so there is a high tide. The maximum tide should be observed when the atmospheric pressure during the day is the most.
This proposed concept also well explains the fact of occurrence of the tides on the opposite side of the planet. Water, having the property of fluidity, being displaced by the pressure of ether, seeks into areas of the planet where anything will not press on it – i.e. on the opposite side.
The first low tide is in the morning, when the sun moves to the zenith. A number of solar photons falling on the Earth is more and more, and the atmosphere emits more ether, which presses and displaces water. And there occurs the tide of water to the land. At the same time there is a redistribution of water in the oceans - the water rushes in those areas of the world where the pressure on it will be less – i.e. on the night side of the planet. And there is just the time of the night tide. And this tide is caused by the pressure of ether at this moment on the opposite, the day side. I.e. the night tide is caused by the redistribution of water, by extrusion, displacement of its part from the day side to the night.
Pay attention to the following fact. The “moon” hypothesis of Newton offers as a basis for explaining the rise of water (the water shell of the planet) over the usual sea level. I.e. rise of water as a result of its aspiration to the attracting celestial body.
Our hypothesis is based on the exactly opposite mechanism - on the action not of attraction (gravity) and on repulsion (antigravity). Hydrosphere is flattened by the action of pressing on it ether. The displaced water is looking for a place, moves closer to the night side, meets the land on the way – comes out on it. And this is a tide.
A phase of the Moon, of course, plays a role in the height of the tide. As you know, the greatest tide is at full moon and new moon. Moreover at the full moon it is greater than in new moon. This fact is quite easy to explain. At full moon and new moon the Moon is located on the same straight line that passes through the centers of the Earth and the Sun. At full moon it is behind the Earth. At new moon it’s in front of it. As a result, in both cases the attraction of the moon enhances the attraction of the Earth. The attraction of what? On what does this factor affect? This is important for attraction of photons and other types of elementary particles. The Earth, as well as any other planet or moon, affects by its attraction on particles emitted by the Sun - it supports their inertial motion. There occurs a summing of Forces - Inertia and Attraction. As a result, the total velocity of particles (solar energy) becomes larger. The less number of them is absorbed by the substance filling the space environment of the solar system. This means that more of them reaches the planet and heats the material, in particular the atmosphere. In general, you should never forget that our planet owes its heating to the Sun. And this heat does not stop for a moment from the time when the planet was formed from a substance ejected from the solar interior. So that the flow of solar particles on the planet - it's a very important factor.
The more solar particles get into the atmosphere and are accumulated in it, the more the total Field of Repulsion that occurs in the heated atmosphere and displaces the water. In other words, the atmospheric pressure increases.
The complex “Earth-Moon” when the moon is located on the same straight line with the Earth and the Sun attracts with more Force of Attraction than when the moon is at an angle to this line. At full moon and new moon the Force of Attraction with which the Earth acts on solar particles increases. This is thanks to summation with it of the gravitational field of the Moon. The rate of flow of photons increases. The most number of them reaches the planet. And the atmosphere is heated more. Generally we should not equate the heating of the troposphere and the total heating of the atmosphere as a whole. In the lower atmosphere it can rain. However, the total heating of the atmosphere, even in the rain at the full moon and new moon will still be higher than on other days of the month. And therefore the tide will be more.
It turns out that at new moon and full moon the atmospheric pressure is higher than on other days. Moreover it’s higher at full moon than at new moon. And all because at new moon the Moon is located in front of the Earth and absorbs the most part of the solar radiation, picking its way to the Earth. However, a large percentage of particles overcomes the attraction of the moon and passes by it successfully, because the Earth's gravity is more than lunar. I.e. even though there is absorption of a significant number of particles, the Moon manages to do its “good work” and attract the solar particles, to support their movement to the Earth.
That's the whole secret of a great tide at full moon and new moon.



There are many hypotheses of origin and formation of planets of the solar system. Let’s take a close look on one of them, as it is the closest to reality. It was proposed by the Soviet scientist, Academician Vasily Fesenko. He suggested that the planets may have “solar origin”.
Everything is correctly. Planets are formed from material ejected by the star during its heating by radioactive decay of heavy chemical elements in its composition.
Giant planets differ from the terrestrial planets only by their huge thick atmosphere. Under the atmosphere there must exist as solids planets, like the terrestrial planets.
Terrestrial planets are the product of Sun’s ejection in a cooled down state as compared with the earlier and hotter state when there was an ejection of substance “for” giant planets. The earlier Sun contained a greater number of heavy elements. Consequently, the substance from which the giant planets formed contained more of heavy elements. Therefore, radioactive decay processes in the bowels of giant planets were more intense. As a result, they have accumulated more “energy”" – i.e. have warmed stronger. Therefore, their chemical elements are in a sparse state of aggregation.
Terrestrial planets formed from material ejected by the Sun in the later periods of its existence. By then the Sun had already lost much of its heavy chemical elements - the source of “energy” - radioactively decayed to lighter elements. Therefore, the substance of the terrestrial planets was less rich in heavy elements compared with the material “for” giant planets. Hence - the lower intensity of the radioactive decay processes in terrestrial planets and less amount of accumulated “energy”. And therefore there is a more dense aggregate state.
All planets are heated and cooled simultaneously.
They are heated due to emission of “energy” in the process of radioactive decay of heavy elements. And due to getting of the “energy” emitted by a star into the cosmic space.
Planets are cooled for the same reason that all other celestial objects - due to radiation of “energy” into space.
Radius of all planets increases toward the equator and decreases to the poles. And the gravitational field decreases to the equator and increases to the poles. The reason is the additional heating of chemical elements caused by the “energy” obtained from the Sun. Solar “energy” integrates into the “voids” in elements, leading to additional shielding of nuclei of elements and reducing their mass. Reducing the mass of the body - is increasing its Force of Attraction and decrease of the Force of Repulsion. That's why closer to the equator the planet more “swells” and its gravitational field (Power of Attraction) is less.
Not only the planets, but also all other celestial bodies are heated and cooled simultaneously.
Planets are always younger than stars. Stars are younger than galactic nuclei. Galactic nuclei - than Nuclei of Supergalaxy. Supergalaxy nuclei - than the Central Celestial Body of the Universe. More ancient celestial bodies since the beginning of their existence are heated more than the younger, since in their structure there were still a lot of heavy chemical elements that do not have time to dissolve.
Radioactive decay processes in the Sun proceed more intensively than in any other celestial body in our solar system.
Initially, after separation from the Nucleus of the Galaxy our solar system was one body. Planets did not exist. This body revolved around the Galactic Nucleus on interior galactic orbits. This body - a unified body of the solar system received the emission from the Galactic Nucleus, caused by occurring processes of radioactive decay. These processes take place there and now.
Stars are born due to the volcanic activity in the Nuclei of Galaxies, planets – are caused by the volcanic activity in the bowels of stars. Nuclei of galaxies are born from nuclei of supergalaxies. However, moons orbiting planets are not the product of volcanic activity of planets. They represent the ejections from stars.

The sun is the major primary source of “light” in our solar system. In the depths of the Moon the processes of radioactive decay are still weak and the whole liberated “energy” is absorbed by its own chemical elements. Therefore, the Moon shines by reflected and transmitted solar “light”.



Belts of comets, which apparently exist beyond the orbit of Pluto, are the same as the rings of the giant planets - frozen atmosphere of the Sun. The ice blocks of different sizes.

As meteorites can knock out of rings the individual chunks of ice, and larger celestial bodies (asteroids) can knock out the ice blocks from the belts of comets. A block can be knocked out at the collision in the direction of the Sun. The sun begins to attract it. So there arises a comet.



Our moon like the rest of the bodies in our solar system is an ejection of solar material. It was "captured" by the Earth and began to rotate around it. And it was formed around the same time as Earth. Therefore, it consists initially the same percentage of heavy elements, as in the composition of the earth – that is larger than in Venus and Mercury, but less than in the giant planets. Due to the larger number of chemical elements constituting the earth, the absolute number of heavy elements in its composition initially was more than that in the composition of the moon. Therefore, the processes of radioactive decay in the Earth proceed more intensively than in the bowels of the Moon. As a result, during the radioactive decay the Moon produces less light elements than Earth. This, and the fact that the number of elements of the Moon is less than the number of elements of the Earth and, consequently, the total gravity field is weaker causes that this small amount of gases that formed in the bowels of the moon is not held by the gravitational field.
But on many satellites of Jupiter, for example, on Io, the atmosphere exists. This is explained by the fact that the solar substance from which these satellites formed was rich in heavy elements (like substance of the giant planets themselves).



The basis of modern cosmological concepts is the notion that hydrogen and helium - the lightest of the known chemical elements – are served as "building blocks" from which during the process of thermonuclear fusion all heavier chemical elements were created. It is also believed that the source of "energy" emitted by the sun is still the same thermonuclear fusion.
However, this theory of emergence of heavy elements from lighter has a significant disadvantage.
Hydrogen and helium are very light due to the fact that their Force of Attraction is small and Force of Repulsion is large enough. If the Force of Attraction is small, there is no reason that could "make" chemical elements to merge with each other, forming thus the elements with a large number of heavy elementary particles in nuclei - that is, the heavy elements.
But the process of arising of light chemical elements (with less massive nuclei) from heavier (with more massive nuclei) is quite likely.
Once again we focus on the important point. The mass of a chemical element can change both due to changes in the mass of the nucleus, and by changing the quantity and quality of the "energy" in the "voids" of element.



In the bowels of massive and simultaneously large celestial bodies in the process of radioactive decay there occurs a birth of chemical elements with lighter nuclei. During this process the Force of Attraction of the chemical elements is reduced, and the Force of Repulsion grows. The distance between the chemical elements increases. This means that the substance in the depths of heavenly bodies is expanding. Light chemical elements are pulled out during volcanic activity from the depths on the surface of a celestial body. The lightest chemical elements such as hydrogen and helium because of the small Force of Attraction and large Force of Repulsion move away from the planet's surface so far that they are not held even in the gas shell of the planet - the atmosphere. We can say they “fly into space”. Other heavier chemical elements remain on the surface of the celestial body. The more massive is a celestial body, the more “energy” is released in its depths. "Energy" liberated during radioactive decay moves between the chemical elements on the surface of a celestial body. During the moving between elements the "energy" integrates into the "voids" of chemical elements themselves, heating them and thereby preventing the formation of chemical compounds or destroying of existing ones.
The purpose of the evolution of life on Earth is to create beings who could become carriers of chemical elements the composition of which would be attended by elementary particles of all Plans. Esoteric name for the chemical element is "Soul" and "The Fifth Element". Soul is born from the "marriage of Matter and Spirit". So it happens in reality. "Matter" is heavy elementary particles. "The Spirit" is light elementary particles. Those and others are present in the composition of chemical elements. In chemical elements of any kingdom - mineral, vegetable, animal or human - "Matter" is elementary particles of the lower, most dense layers of the Physical Plan. "Spirit" for the chemical elements of each kingdom is its own. For chemical elements of the mineral kingdom "Spirit" is elementary particles of the higher, ethereal layers of the Physical Plan. For chemical elements of the vegetable kingdom "Spirit" is particles of the Astral Plan. For the Animal Kingdom – particles of the Mental Plan. For Human Kingdom – particles of Buddhic Plan. Chemical elements containing astral particles are included only in the DNA of each cell. Mental and buddhic particles are the part only of the DNA molecules of neurons of different departments of the nervous system of animals and humans. Chemical elements of all other molecules (not DNA) in the composition of bodies of plants, animals and people refer to the mineral kingdom. The bodies of creatures of the Fifth, superhuman kingdom will develop on the basis of human bodies. But the heart of the bodies of superhumans will also be chemical elements of the mineral kingdom.



At the equator of any planet of the solar system the Force of Attraction (gravity) is less compared with other areas, such as poles. This is due to a stronger "warming up" of the equator. As a result, individual molecules and chemical elements of the atmosphere are not so hard attracted by solid phase of the planet in the equatorial region. The value of atmospheric pressure is reduced closer to the equator. Layer of the atmosphere above the equator is thicker. But also it is thinner as compared with the poles.
Chemical elements and molecules of the atmosphere, located in the uppermost layers of the atmosphere are distanced on such large distance from the center of the planet that they cease to reach the necessary amount of thermal radiation from the planet. And at the same time the giant planets are very distant from the Sun and therefore the atmosphere gets very little sunlight. As a result, the aggregate state of the atmospheric gases becomes solid, and they turn into ice particles of various sizes, which form rings.
In general, the very reason for the existence of such phenomena as the "ring" is a difference in mass of chemical elements forming compounds of the atmosphere. The heavier chemical elements that make up the gas molecules, the closer to the surface of the solid phase of the planet such icy chip will be located in the rings. The easier chemical elements - the further away from the planet it is, in the outer regions of the rings.



The equatorial plane of the Sun is an area of maximum intensity of solar radiation. This is due to the fact that the solar equator is best "warmed up" by the "energy" of the nucleus of the galaxy. Accordingly, the polar regions of the Sun (and of other stars) warmed up by the "energy" of the galactic nucleus worst.
The Sun (i.e. the central celestial body in our solar system) to the nucleus of the galaxy is the same than the planets are in relation to the star. And the stars are also receivers of radiation of "energy" of the galactic nucleus like planets are the receivers of the radiation from stars.
The nucleus of the galaxy - is the central celestial body of our Galaxy. The Nucleus of Galaxy also has an area of equator, which coincides with the plane of the orbits of stars around the Galactic Nucleus.
Concentration of solar radiation in the solar equator is maximal. This is due to the fact that the "energy" of the Galactic Nucleus, reflected by the sun joins to the radioactive "energy" of the Sun. And at the equator a maximal amount of energy is reflected because this region is most "warmed up". 
The same can be said about the concentration of radiation of Galactic Nuclei, Nuclei of Supergalaxy and the Central Celestial Body of the Universe. And also about planets, as they also emit own radioactive "energy" and reflect the energy of stars.
The orbits of stars around the Nucleus of the Galaxy are located approximately in one plane as the planets' orbits are located in one plane.
The crust is formed by: first, non-radioactive elements with the heaviest nuclei of those that erupt on the surface of planets, and secondly, the compounds of these elements with the elements with lighter nuclei. Over the crust there is a shell consisting of elements with the lightest nuclei - the lithosphere and the hydrosphere.
The cause of periodic heating and cooling of each element on the surface of the planet is the rotation of the planet around the star and around its own axis. Physical state of chemical elements on the planet's surface varies periodically. During heating by the rays of a star it becomes sparser. During sunset of a star beyond the horizon - it becomes denser. Physical state of the atmosphere changes more noticeable because of their closer location in relation to the star.
In addition, the entire surface of the planet can be divided into "climate zones". A climate depends on the total length of stay "in the rays of the star" and the average distance of a point on the surface of the planet from the star.
The greater is the angle at which the sun's rays "fall" at any point on the planet's surface, the more "warmed" are the elements at this point and the more rarified is their state of aggregation. Therefore, the closer to the equator, the thinner is the state of aggregation of elements and their compounds. Naturally, in the daytime the aggregate state is sparser, and at night is denser.
And vice versa. The smaller is the angle at which the sun's rays illuminate some point on the surface of the planet, the weaker this area is “warmed up” and the denser the state of aggregation of elements. Therefore, the closer to the poles, the denser is the state of aggregation of elements.



Around 1960, an American geologist Harry Hess Hemond suggested that molten rocks of the mantle rose from some cracks, in particular extending along the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Near the top of these rocks spread to the sides, then cooled off and solidified. The bottom of the ocean thus was expanding and stretching. According to this theory the continents do not drift, and they are just displaced by the rocks of expanding oceans” (Isaac Asimov “Guide to Science”).
Substance of the planet is expanding. First, it’s because of reduction of mass of the nuclei of elements in the process of radioactive decay. Secondly, due to reduction of mass of elements due to accumulation by the Earth of solar free particles. The surface of the planet - crust – is formed by elements with light nuclei and they came out on the planet's surface during volcanic activity. And these elements with light nuclei in the bowels of the planet during the radioactive decay (decay reason - quality transformation of particles due to the action of forces of attraction). Elements of crust because of the small Force of Attraction of nuclei in the radioactive decay are not involved. Volume of the planet increases due to the growing of the planet’s Force of Repulsion and to reduce of the Force of Attraction of elements. The temperature of the elements in the planet's interior is higher than temperature of the elements on the surface. A crust - is dense chemical compounds having a low temperature. Continents - are the primary earth's crust. As a result of increasing the volume of the material interior of the planet, the crust cracks and diverges as the crust on rising yeast dough. This is confirmed by continental drift – in reality they diverge, and not drift. All new layers of substance are postponed under the primary cortex during volcanic activity.
At the bottom of continents the old layers of the cortex are the thinnest, so in these places there are constant zones of volcanic activity.
The cracking crust we know as earthquakes, volcanic activity, and fractures in the crust. And a discrepancy between the individual huge zones of the crust is known as “continental drift”. Chemical elements with lighter nuclei arising in the bowels during radioactive decay come out on the surface of celestial bodies during cracking of the crust. Or more precisely, they break the bonds between the elements of the cortex.
The continents do not drift in reality. They drift apart from each other as a result of expansion of the earth globe (such as how the balloon expands during its inflating). The bottom of the oceans is constantly “being created” due to constant output of magma from the depths of the earth. The earth's crust in this diverges like dried crust on rising yeast dough.



All planets revolve around their own axes. However, each of the planets rotates at its own velocity. Here are the values:
1. Mercury - one revolution around its axis in about 58 Earth days;
2. Venus - turnover for 243 days;
3. Earth - turnover for 24 hours;
4. Mars - turnover in 24 hours 37 minutes;
5. Jupiter - turnover for 9 hours and 55 minutes;
6. Saturn - turnover in 10 hours 40 minutes;
7. Uranium - turnover in 17 hours 14 minutes;
8. Neptune - turnover in 16 hours 03 minutes;
9. Pluto - turnover of 6.38 days.
The speed ​​of rotation of planets is entirely caused only by one thing – by the speed of the heating of their surface layers.
As mentioned earlier, the mechanism of rotation of planets is explained by the occurrence of the Field of Repulsion in the area of a planet, turned at this moment to the Sun. The emerging Field of Repulsion of a planet is resisted by the Field of Repulsion of the Sun and makes this area to move away from the Sun. At the same time the cooler regions of the same hemisphere tends to the Sun. Both of these factors, taken together, make the planet to rotate around its axis.
In each of two hemispheres of the planet there is a parallel of latitude, which is the boundary between the equatorial regions (and near equator), where there exists in the atmosphere a not already vanishing Field of Repulsion, and the Polar Regions, where there is no such field, and there is only a Field of Attraction. Namely on this boundary parallel a Field of Repulsion arises only in the region, which is currently rotated to the Sun. When this area is facing away from the sun, a Field of Repulsion gradually decreases and then disappears, in order to appear again when this area again will turn to the sun.
So, it is the speed of emergence of a non-permanent Field of Repulsion on the boundary parallel determines the speed of rotation of the planet.
And now let's find out on what factors the rate of arising of the Field of Repulsion on the boundary parallel depends. These factors determine the value of the speed of rotation of the planet.
The first factor affecting the speed of rotation of planets is the distance from a planet to the Sun. The distance is not important in itself. The value of the distance to the Sun informs us about the amount of solar particles with Fields of Repulsion reaching a planet. The shorter the distance to the Sun is, than the more solar particles with Fields of Repulsion reach a planet, the more heated the surface layers are and the faster the planet rotates. Conversely, the greater the distance is, than the less number of particles reaches the planet and the slower heating of the surface layers is.
The second factor is the degree of heating of the substance of both boundary parallels separating the regions where there is not disappearing Field of Repulsion from the areas where such Field yet does not exist. Any planet has two such boundary parallels of latitude. The substance, whose degree of heating we are interested, this is a whole thickness of substance that is located under this parallel, up to the center of a planet. Degree of heating of substances means the amount of solar particles with Fields of Repulsion accumulated by chemical elements of the substance. I.e. the more solar particles with Fields of Repulsion are accumulated by the substance of a planet in the area of these parallels, than the faster a not constant Field of Repulsion arises at a planet, and the faster a planet rotates. The greater extent of heating of the bowels of the planet, the less its Field of Attraction is. This means that elementary particles from the Sun reached the planet and accumulated by chemical elements of the surface layers (of the atmosphere) will move down more slowly towards the center of the planet. Therefore, a necessary Field of Repulsion will be formed by these particles faster.
The third factor is the atmospheric composition of planets and its thickness (if it is presented at a planet). The more sparse (the less dense) gases form the planet's atmosphere, the easier this atmosphere can start to produce a Field of Repulsion – i.e. can begin to emit Ether. The explanation is that the smaller the gas density is, the faster these elements form a Field of Repulsion during the accumulation of particles with Fields of Repulsion by chemical elements of gas. In the language of modern physics, the less dense gas is easier to heat. But denser gases are more difficult to heat. This means that for the occurrence of Field of Repulsion at elements forming these gases they must accumulate (absorb) more particles with Field of Repulsion.
As it is known, the most low density gases are included in the atmospheres of the giant planets. Such gases as helium and hydrogen are very easy to heat, and they quickly begin to emit ether – i.e. a Field of Repulsion arises at them very quickly.
Now, if we summarize these three factors and analyze their impact in relation to specific planets of the solar system, we will get something like this.
As you know, the giant planets rotate most rapidly: Jupiter – a turnover for 9 hours and 55 minutes, Saturn - 10 hours 40 minutes, Uranus - 17 hours 14 minutes, Neptune - 16 hours 03 minutes. As you can see Jupiter and Saturn are the fastest. But the distance factor is not on their side. Four planets are closer to the Sun than Jupiter, and five planets are closer than Saturn. Distance from the Sun of other giant planets is more. Nevertheless, even the most remote giant planet - Neptune - rotates faster than any of the terrestrial planets. What's the matter? The reason is a combined influence of two other factors - the degree of heating of the planet and measure of sparseness of its atmosphere.
The farther from the sun there is a planet, the more heated substance is in the area of its boundary parallels. And the giant planets, which are located from the Sun farther than terrestrial planets, are formed from the solar substance earlier and therefore longer feel the effects of solar rays.
And, of course, the atmosphere of the giant planets has a larger percentage of such rarefied gases as helium and hydrogen, and this also contributes to a higher speed of their heating and hence a higher speed of rotation.
Regarding the speed of rotation of such planets of the terrestrial group like Earth and Mars, it is less than that of the giant planets, but much more than that of Mercury and Venus. The Earth revolves around its axis in 24 hours, Mars – in 24 hours 37 minutes. Earth and Mars rotate fast enough due to the greater heating of the substance than that of Mercury and Venus, and also thanks to a sufficiently high degree of sparsity of their atmospheres
The speed ​​of rotation of Mercury is so small - one revolution in 58 Earth days - due to the fact that the substance of Mercury is heated very slightly (less than all other planets), and because Mercury has virtually no atmosphere.
Now about Venus. Its rotational speed is 1 turnover for 243 days. So, the speed of rotation of Venus would have been much more, if it rotated forward and not backwards. This means that at forward rotation Venus would rotate much faster than Mercury. Besides Venus is heated stronger than Mercury and also has a pronounced atmosphere (though dense), while Mercury's atmosphere, we can say no.
Here it should be said about the fact that the speed of rotation of Uranus would be much more if it also rotated in the forward direction, and not the reverse. At the same time Uranus rotates more slowly than the more distant Neptune.
So, slow rotation of Venus and Uranus should explain so.
And now, actually, about why Venus and Uranus rotate more slowly than they would can if their rotation would be direct and not reverse.
For this, we should remember that in the mechanism of rotation of planets once two factors play an equally important role. First, it is an emergence in the heated region of the planets a Field of Repulsion that makes this area to move away from the sun. And secondly, the tendency of areas of the planet chilled out on the night side to move closer to the Sun.
The Sun's gravity field is an ethereal stream, moving counterclockwise in the direction of the poles and the polar regions of the sun (yes, the Sun also has poles). So, that hemisphere of the planet, it is the side that is in this ethereal stream closer to its source (i.e. to the Sun absorbing the ether) will experience greater attraction from the sun's magnetic poles, as the force of attraction as it is known decreases with distance. The hemisphere of the planets with direct rotation the eastern hemisphere (moving from the night side to the day) is the closest to the source of the sun's gravity field. While at the planets with the reverse rotation – it is the western hemisphere (moving from the day side to the night).
Accordingly, the second hemisphere of the planet, which is more remote from the source of the sun's gravity fields, feels far less attraction to the Sun, as the force of attraction decreases with the distance. For planets with direct rotation the more remote hemisphere is western. But for planets with reverse rotation this is the eastern hemisphere.
It is the eastern hemisphere of the planet has a Field of Attraction. And its greatest value in comparison with other areas of the planet, since it is this area was on the night side, and most of all cool. It is the eastern hemisphere through its greatest aspirations to the Sun makes the planet rotated.
In its turn the western hemisphere is characterized by the Field of Repulsion gradually turning into the Field of Attraction (due to the gradual cooling). The western hemisphere also seeks to approach to the Sun, but to a much lesser extent.
And here please note your attention. The planets with direct rotation on the western hemisphere have the area (where the Field of Repulsion disappears and instead it the Field of Attraction appears) is turned away from the Sun to such extent and is separated from the source of its Field of Attraction that for this area the shortest path to the source of the sun's gravity fields is a movement counterclockwise (i.e. continuation of existing movement). The planet does not seek to turn back clockwise.
But the western hemisphere of the planets with reverse rotation is the closest to the source of the sun's gravity field. Consequently the region of the western hemisphere (where the Field of Repulsion due to the cooling of the planet disappears and is replaced by the Field of Attraction) feels a significant Force of Attraction to the Sun. It turns out that the eastern hemisphere of the planets with reverse rotation is located from the source of the sun's gravity field further, which reduces its aspiration to the Sun. And, moreover, and the western hemisphere seeks to the Sun. As a result, this aspiration to the Sun of the western hemisphere slows down the rotation of the planet, because it prevents the aspiration to the Sun from the side of the eastern hemisphere.



All planets including Earth accumulate elementary particles emitted by the Sun. Most of these particles are concentrated in the central part of any planet. The heating of the substance is caused by the accumulation of particles with Fields of Repulsion. Such particles predominate in the composition of the solar radiation. Accumulated particles with Fields of Repulsion reduce the magnitude of the Fields of Attraction of chemical elements on the surface where they accumulate. So, in general, they reduce the magnitude of the Field of Attraction entire planet. From this follows a simple conclusion – a gravity of any planet including Earth with time is reduced more and more. I.e. weight (Force of Attraction) of any body on our planet with every moment is less and less. However, these changes are so small that they are difficult to measure. Perhaps a comparison of weight of the same body, taken at the beginning and at the end of the century will give visible results.



In the early life of the planets they had no inclination of the axis. The cause of the inclination is an attraction of one of the poles of the planet by one of the poles of the Sun.
Let’s consider as the inclination of axes of the planets appears.
When the substance from which the planets are formed is ejected from the Sun it does not necessarily an ejection occurs in the equatorial plane of the Sun. Even a small deviation from the equatorial plane of the Sun results in that the formed planet to one of the poles of the sun is located closer than to another. And to be more precise, it is only one of the poles of the formed planet is closer to one of the poles of the Sun. For this reason, namely this pole of the planet “feels” a greater gravitation from that pole of the Sun, to whom it is closer.
As a result one of the hemispheres immediately turned toward the Sun. So an initial inclination of an axis of rotation of a planet appeared. That hemisphere, which was closer to the Sun, respectively, immediately began to receive more solar radiation. And because of this the given hemisphere from the outset began to be warmed to a greater extent. A greater heating of one of the hemispheres of the planet becomes the reason that the total Gravity Field of this hemisphere decreases. I.e. during the warm-up of the approached to the Sun hemisphere there was a decrease of its tendency to move closer to the pole of the Sun, which gravitation made ​​the planet to be inclined. And the more this hemisphere is heated, the more leveled the gravitation of both poles of the planet, each to “its closest” pole of the Sun. As a result, the heated hemisphere more and more turned away from the sun, and the more chilled began to approach. But note how this change of poles was happened (and happens). Very peculiar.
With the passage of time the angle of inclination of the axis of rotation of planets gradually increased. Let’s find out why this is happening.
Generally, when we solve the problem of gravitation (attraction) of any planet to the sun, we should always remember that just two areas of the planet - its magnetic poles - tend to be closer to the Sun. This is explained by the fact that it is the poles are the least heated regions of the planets. Whenever a planet is rotated to the Sun by one of its hemispheres, at the same time gravitation to the Sun of the second hemisphere continues to control this hemisphere. Only this “control” does not allow the planets from the beginning to turn to the Sun by their poles.
Then why, over time, does an angle of inclination of the axis of any planet increase more and more? Yes, because over time there has been increasing the square of the surface of ​​the planet, where there is formed a not disappeared Field of Repulsion. (We recall that the Field of Repulsion of the planet does not exist near the surface of the planet. It manifests outwards in the upper levels of the atmosphere.)  A Field of Repulsion creates a Force of Repulsion. A Field of Repulsion of the planet collides with the Field of Repulsion of the Sun. And because of this those areas of the planet, where it has not disappearing Field of Repulsion, tend to move away from the Sun. And so there occurs an inclination. And the farther away from the equator and closer to the poles this area occupied by the not disappearing Field of Repulsion moves, the greater is the angle of inclination of the axis.
We will say a few words about a non-vanishing Field of Repulsion of the planets.
Substance in the equatorial plane of the planet is warmed up to the greatest extent. This is explained by the fact that at the beginning of life on the planet, when it just started to rotate, the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the line drawn through the center of the Sun and the center of the planet. Because of this the equatorial region of any planet from the outset is closest to the center of the Sun. So, the inclination of the axis indicates that at the planet in the equatorial region and adjacent areas a continuously existing Field of Repulsion is formed. The Field of Repulsion of the planet is formed by particles with Fields of Repulsion accumulated on the surface of the chemical elements of the atmosphere - staying in the composition of the surface layers of the planet. As already mentioned, the planets have an “incline” namely because of arising of this constant Field of Repulsion. Nearest to the center of the sun is always an area of the planet, which is just in the state of the heating. This area accumulates the solar particles, and as a result here there arises a Field of Repulsion, which makes this area to turn away from the Sun.
Why we are talking about this? Yes, because the parallel of latitude, on which there is an area of the planet closest to the center of the Sun, and just serves as a border between parallels where there is a constant Field of Repulsion (equator and adjacent parallels) and the regions where the Field of Repulsion does not even arise (a pole and polar regions). On this boundary parallel of latitude a Field of Repulsion appears only after heating by solar radiation. And after some time, due to the rotation of the planet, a cooling this area leads to the disappearance of this repulsion field.



Once the particles fall on the planet and accumulate on the surface of elements in the surface layers either immediately or after some time they begin their way towards the center of the planet. So there occurs a process of cooling the planet's surface (atmosphere, hydrosphere, crust). Particles move down along the line connecting the approximate point of falling to the planet and the center of the planet. The more solar particles with Fields of Repulsion will be accumulated along this line, the greater the substance will be heated, the less solar particles falling on the planet and accumulated in the surface layers will flow down in the process of cooling.

Naturally to the center of any planet the temperature of its substance grows precisely because any spherical celestial body has a centripetal Field of Attraction, which also makes the particles falling on the planet to strive towards the center of the planet.