суббота, 4 октября 2014 г.



We offer you the following hypothesis concerning the nature of Cepheids - variable stars. These stars periodically change their brightness.
The star becomes or larger in diameter and colder (dims), or smaller and hotter.
Cepheid (star with variable brightness) - this is a double star. In this system in the center there is located a star that since its formation has in its composition more of chemical elements. Because of this, its mass is greater and the brightness (luminance) is too. A star-satellite rotates around it. It’s sparser, colder. It turns around like the Moon around the Earth. This star originally contained a less number of chemical elements. Due to the lower transmutation the luminosity is less too. The substance of such star is better heated by radiation of the Nucleus of Galaxy – it accumulates more photons. This is because the total number of chemical elements is less. And so it’s sparser – and due to this diameter of the star is bigger.
Degree of transmutation (transformation) of chemical elements in the star is the more, the more the total number of elements in its composition, and the more the total Field of Attraction of the star. Transmutation (transformation) - is another name for the temperature rise. Scientists still can’t explain what the meaning of the phenomenon of temperature is. Proposed by us Law of Transformation logically explains this physical phenomenon.
But we a little digress from the topic of the article. Although this was done deliberately - to recall the meaning of transmutation.
Particles in the chemical elements transmute - change their quality - thanks to receipt of excessive amount of ether.
The more chemical elements are in the composition of celestial body, the higher the degree of transformation of the particles in the composition of its elements. The more elements are in the star, the greater its overall temperature is.
Hence the smaller star brightness with fewer chemicals.
On the contrary - the larger star emits brighter. 
That's why periodic eclipse of the less large (and therefore less bright) star by the larger (and more colorful) perceived by the observer from the side as change of brightness.
After all, the observer is far away. And he does not know precisely – is this a single star or a system of two objects. From here and all misunderstandings and divination of astronomers - what does appear before their eyes?
Our proposed explanation of the nature of Cepheids can prove the following fact.
As we know from the history of astronomy, Miss Henrietta Leviticus discovered the connection between the brightness of variable stars and the duration of the period of changes in brightness for stars of Magellanic Cloud. According to her observations, the greater brightness, the longer periods of normal brightness and reduced.
Magellanic Cloud - is another galaxy. Star cluster generated by another Nucleus of Galaxy, and revolving around it, also as our stars are turning around our Nucleus (and formed from its substance).
The brighter the star is, the greater the period of brightness change.
This fact can be explained as follows.
Stars in the composition of Galaxies - are the same as planets in the solar system.
The stars with the largest number of chemical elements are located at the periphery of any Galaxy. Also as giant planets – i.e. the most large – are located on the periphery of the solar system.
These stars are hotter because they are large. If you remember, the more particles in the conglomerate, the more the warming - transmutation. Accumulating radiation (photons) from the Nucleus of Galaxy stars rotate faster. Since the speed of rotation depends on the heating temperature of the atmosphere (if it exists) and of underlying hydrosphere and lithosphere. If the atmosphere does not exist or if it is extremely rarefied – it depends on the heating temperature of the surface layers - as it is the case of Mercury.
The heating temperature of the surface layer depends on two factors - the total temperature of the star (or of the planet) and on the amount of falling radiation. The farther the star is from the Nucleus of Galaxy, the less radiation it receives. Although the number of accumulated photons in it is more and more – namely because it is moving away. But, nevertheless, it is falling energy causes a star (as a planet) to rotate. And at a certain distance from the Nucleus of Galaxy rotation of the star begins to slow down again. As it’s in the case of planets. I.e. at first the rotational speed of planets (and stars) gradually increases and then begins to fall. We can see this by the example of the planets in our solar system.
Those stars of Magellanic Cloud that are most of all closer to us look brighter. And they rotate more slowly compared with the stars a little closer to the Nucleus. Again it’s the analogy with planets.
Rotating Field of Attraction (ethereal stream) of star, Nucleus or any other celestial body is the cause of rotation of planets around it (stars - in the case of Galaxy). Ethereal stream moves in the direction of the biggest lack of ether – i.e. toward the nearest star. And planets consisting of particles and being immersed in the ethereal field move along with the stream – are attracted. Since the star rotates on its axis – ethereal stream (Field of Attraction) takes the form of a spiral. And planets, respectively, are moving along the same trajectory. More precisely, they are moving in a circle. But they would move in a spiral, and would have fallen onto the star ... if not heating of them by energy emitted by the star. Namely this heating does not let them fall. Do you remember the torment of physicists associated with the “need” of falling of electron onto the nucleus of the atom? In the case of planets the situation is similar. The planets must fall on the Sun. Because the Law of Gravity is relentless. And they do not fall just because the star emits energy (particles). If it did not radiate - it would fall. But the young star and star of "middle-aged" can’t but radiate. As for the luminary “aged”, then sooner or later it will ebb. But that's another topic that is covered in other articles.
So the planets are held around the star and turn it around due to the gravity. But they do not fall onto the sun thanks to antigravity.
The same can be said of stars in the Galaxy. They do not fall onto the Nucleus for the same reasons - antigravity. This is the Field of Repulsion arising in the surface layers of the star. Emitted ether.
Any celestial body does not fall on its body-grandparent because repelled by ethereal Field of antigravity.
However, we are greatly distracted from the central theme of the article - from explaining the nature of the Cepheids.
Star turns around the nucleus of the galaxy due to the rotation of this Nucleus.
With regard to the mechanism of rotation of the star-satellite, then it is different. It is completely analogous to the rotation of the Moon around the Earth. The star satellite turns around not because of aspirations in the Field of Attraction. The orbit of the satellite can even be located not in the equatorial region of the central star. Like our Moon and its orbit.
The star-satellite is heated by radiation of the Nucleus of Galaxy. Like the moon is heated by solar radiation.
The heating leads to emergence of Field of Repulsion on the heated side of the star-satellite. If the star was single, it just would revolve around its axis. But this star system is double. And there is an attraction from the side of the larger star. I.e. on the one hand the heated side of the star-satellite “wants” to move away from the Galactic Nucleus. And on the other hand the star is held by the attraction of the central star. It is this attraction does not allow the star-satellite just to turn around itself. And it still has one option - to start to move away entirely. I.e. not heated region turns away from the Nucleus and the whole star is moving away. In the case of the Moon the same thing happens.
That’s how it happens – the movement of the star-satellite.  It just “replaced” the rotation on the periodic distancing and then approaching to the Nucleus of Galaxy. And the “fault” of this is attraction from the central star.
When we look at the night sky, watching the stars within our galaxy, we can’t on the basis of only one brightness judge about their distance to the center of the Galaxy. And this is because our sun (and we with it) is also located within the boundaries of the Galaxy. Now, if we look at another galactic system, such as Magellanic Cloud (or any other), then we can say with confidence that any star in its composition exactly is not part of the structure of our Galaxy.
Only parallax can with sufficient accuracy tell us the location of the star relative to the observer.
Generally the closer the star is, the brighter its light is. However, also the larger it is, the brighter it is. So two stars may be located at different distances from us (and from the center). But their brightness will be the same if one that farther from us – is larger, and the one that is closer - smaller.
The structure of any Galaxy is similar to the structure of any solar system. In the center is a large celestial body-grandparent. Celestial bodies of smaller size generated by it turn around it, moved by gyre of the ethereal stream of attraction. In the case of a Galaxy - the stars revolve around the Nucleus. In the case of a solar system - planets turn around the star, the sun. Pieces of ice of frozen gases of the atmosphere of the giant planets, forming rings in total - are also the prototypes of the planets or stars, moving in a circle.
So everything is built by a single scheme. As below, so above. This is not surprising. The principle structure is repeated. Only scale changes. 
Biggest stars born first.
As also from the bowels of any star the largest planets are ejected first.
In the future, these stars (planets) took place on the periphery of the galaxy (the solar system) and are named giants - stars or planets. Luminosity of giant stars is the greatest (about sparse red giants we are not talking). It’s namely thanks to their scale – i.e. thanks to the total number of their constituent chemical elements. The reasons for this dependence we discussed earlier in this article.
So we can confidently say - the largest (in general) and brightest (on the whole) stars are located on the periphery of any galaxy. Not all, of course, but the overall percentage of them - yes.
So when Miss Henrietta Leviticus eyed Magellanic Cloud, she could be argued (if she would know our hypothesis) that in general in any galaxy, which is viewed from the side (as you know, we are not talking about our galaxy, which we can’t see from outside), the brightest stars are also the nearest to us. And it’s all because the biggest stars are on the periphery. The biggest - not thanks to the sparseness and volume. More precisely - not thanks only to this reason. They are the biggest - because from birth they contain many chemical elements.
And less bright stars of an alien galaxy in general have less size (less chemical elements in the composition) and are located further.
Let’s summarize.
Cepheid - is a star system consisting of two stars. The star with larger diameter and less bright rotates around the central star, less large and brighter. This star-satellite periodically eclipses the central star. Because of this, from the side the eclipse period is perceived by the observer as dimming. We prove this point of view throughout this article.
The more the main magnitude of brightness of the star, the longer the period of the reduced brightness, and the following period of normal brightness.
The main value of the star's brightness is brightness is the central star. The period of the reduced brightness is a brightness of a star-satellite.
The closer to the periphery of the Galaxy, the brighter stars are located there.
And the slower the rotational speed of all stars is.
And the slower the turning of satellites around the central stars is.
The reasons for this deceleration we have considered in detail in the beginning of this article. 
And since the farther from the Nucleus, the less the intensity of radiation reaching the stars, so the heating of the surface layers (responsible for the emergence and increase of Field of Repulsion) is carried out longer than for stars closer to the Nucleus. And because the speed is less with which the star-satellite is moving away from the Nucleus, at the same time turning around the central star.
Have you understood the main idea?
The farther to the periphery of Galaxy, the slower the movement of the star-satellite.
After all, it is an explanation for the fact of relationship between brightness of Cepheids and duration of periods of changes in brightness.
The star-satellite moves slowly because it is slowly heated by radiation of the Galaxy Nucleus.

Thank you for your attention!

danina.t@yandex.ru  - e-mail
The books of the series “The Teaching of Djwhal Khul – Esoteric Natural Science” - “The main occult laws and concepts” - http://www.amazon.com/Main-Occult-Laws-Concepts -ebook/dp/B00GUJJR72
New Esoteric Astrology, 1” - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JF6RMCY (paperback - https://www.createspace.com/4827294)
And here is the book of my grandpa, Michael Novikov, a military paramedic. You can read his memories about the Finnish war http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JYDITQ6


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